Monday 18 November 2013

2nd Training Weekend

This post is going to get people up to date with what is going on for my trip since I last posted - which was ages ago (sorry)!

I have been doing a lot of fundraising, including selling books, doing a triathlon, car boot sales, babysitting and working at the local Traquair Fair. My total that I have to reach by the end of May next year is £2000, and so far I have reached £907.75 which I'm so pleased with. I would like to take this oppurtunity to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who has donated and/or helped out, and also to my parents for being a great taxi service and more!

Triathlon Team
On the 25th-27th of October I met up with my Malawi 2014 team to take part in my second of six training weekends. It was a walking weekend, similar to a silver Duke of Edinburgh, and we were put in teams to complete the weekend with.

(From left to right) The venturers (aged 16-25) in my team were Holly, Chloe, Grant, Hassan, me and Kate, and it was really great to get to know these guys better. On our walk on the Saturday we scaled hills, did a quiz, searched for photos of animals along the way (finding more about those we may see in Malawi ), map read and generally learned more about each other. On the first night we slept in a village hall, while on the second night we slept in a barn listening to the rats scurrying about!

My next training weekend is later on this month, and currently Maisie and I are selling raffle tickets for our biggest fundraiser yet. Let me know if you're interested at all!